Thursday, May 18, 2006


Just the Facts, Ma'am

When I was in Belize, I overheard an American tourist talking about his reading habits to his companion during lunch. This man said that he mostly read nonfiction and particularly disdained narrative nonfiction. "What I really prefer to read are textbooks," he added.

Naturally, my brain exploded, and not because I hate reading textbooks. To simply consume information or process data misses out on the whole point of critical reading and in fact the entire enterprise of a liberal arts education. Such passivity on the reader's part distills intellectual inquiry into rote memorization, like learning a language by reading flash cards.

I wondered how this person reacts to culture. Does he simply abide by whatever trends or ideas are the norm? Dancing With the Stars is a hit show, I must watch that! Clay Aiken won American Idol, I have to buy his CD! It saddens me that someone can be so disengaged with culture, especially when one is in such a rich and distinct one as Belize. I wonder if this person ever left the 100 yard area of downtown San Pedro to experience the rest of the country, or if he didn't just get to know it by reading a brochure.

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